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Reflecting on Another Day

So today is purely another reflecting day of the things that have come to pass over the last few weeks, over the next few weeks i have set a personal goal for myself to blog more frequently about things in life, my creative process and the things that inspire me to share my music with the world and produce beats that i think are cool. lately i drawn alot of musical inspiration from video games and movies with anything dragon related(blame it on my kids lol)

So what is reflection?

When we reflect, we consider deeply something that we might not otherwise have given much thought to. This helps us to learn. Reflection is concerned with consciously looking at and thinking about our experiences, actions, feelings, and responses, and then interpreting or analysing them in order to learn from them. Typically we do this by asking ourselves questions about what we did, how we did it, and what we learnt from doing it.

So what is reflecting really all about?

Personally i think that reflecting in an academic or professional practice in this way may make your personal beliefs, expectations, and biases more evident to you. This understanding of yourself should help you to carry out your studies more successfully, since it makes you aware of the assumptions that you might make automatically or uncritically as a result of your view of the world. I think the key to reflection is spotting the patterns and links in thought that emerge as a result of your experiences in life and in learning. Sometimes this is difficult for learners because the focus is on you and this might not feel comfortable—especially in an academic context where you are usually encouraged to depersonalise your work such as your essays and reports.

I think that the art of reflecting can be summed up into three main categories or subgroups.

1. The act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, or giving back or showing an image the state of being reflected in this way.

2. An image; representation; counterpart.

3. A fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration.

Reflecting can also be the critical thinking model that is especially helpful for those learners for whom reflective thinking and writing seems at odds with the type of study they usually do especially in the world of electronic dance music —but it is, of course, a useful model for everyone. The critical thinking model contains a set of carefully ordered questions which move you, step-by-step, through a thinking process. First you are encouraged to be descriptive, then analytical, and finally evaluative.

Each part of this process is important, but taken altogether, it provides a framework for questioning that constitutes reflection: This model can help to guide us through the creative process when reflecting regardless of the subject matter that we choose to reflect on weather it be an objective or negative reflection on something.

• Descriptive: Who was there?

• Descriptive: What did she say?

• Descriptive: What did I say?

• Analytical/reflective: Why did I respond in that way?

• Analytical/reflective: How did each of us feel as a result?

• Analytical/reflective: What if I had chosen my words more carefully?

• Reflective/evaluative: So what? Would that have made any difference to the outcome?

• Reflective/evaluative: Where can I go from here in my interactions with this person?

Finding an determining where to start and where to finish reflecting can be the hardest thing for me

after all i did come here today and reflect on what I've been up too and my thought process for everything I've become a custom to now days and the work load i take on daily, but as i sit here reflecting on what to write i find myself talking more about the actual topic of reflection and what it means to me to do so and not really talking about what i'm looking to reflect on and the specifics of my week to week.

The skills associated with stepping back and pausing to look, listen, and reflect are closely related to those concerned with critical thinking which also requires you to ‘unpack’ whatever you are focusing on, not simply accept what you read or hear at face value.An example of this, is right now as i type and reflect on reflecting and reflect on writing about my own reflections this process i find is very different from person to person and this process you will probably identify things you would not otherwise notice.

So i guess after sitting here pondering what to write about today and reflecting on this write up in particular, i guess my blog has some what it is that is driving me to write a short paragraph on reflection its self rather then reflect on my day so far, until next time guys stayed tuned and i hope you find inspiration and good vibes in everything you do.

xxx DjCandyApple

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