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Another Day another road block

Todays blog is about a certain standard of status and something i think we all need to address sometimes...


Realistically i realise that not all my followers will want to read this or may just pass and swipe left on this blog and for that i understand, today i want to address trolling and bullying over the internet.

A subject that not everyone really wants to unless they are there to actually take a stab at the troller or bully that is actually giving them a hard time in the first place and rather than be constructive i find that most people will actually get online or on device or even television just to bully the person back who actually started the original process... but wait? what? doesn't that then, just make them a bully too???? So where to begin and where to take this process....

In my mind it is all about taking a moment to reflect on what it means to be a bully and why bully's think it ok to run another person down, or simply just because they don't follow the same path in life as another person the bully can lead to having misfortunes and bad luck arise upon them simply for standing out for the wrong reasons... some call it the pigs ass i like to call it karma... so here goes

Cyberbullying is bullying that’s done by means of technology - for example, using the internet or a mobile phone to hurt, harass or embarrass someone.Or just plain harassing verbally or physically when you see another person. If you’re experiencing cyberbullying in Australia, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, up to one in five young Australians have reported being cyber bullied.,(A social media troll, by definition)- is someone who creates conflict on sites like Twitter, Facebook and Reddit by posting messages that are particularly controversial or inflammatory with the sole intent of provoking an emotional response from other users that can be betrayed as angry or sad emotions.

A social media troll, by definition, is someone who creates conflict on sites like Twitter, Facebook and Reddit by posting messages that are particularly controversial or inflammatory with the sole intent of provoking an emotional (read: angry) response from other users.(google search-,websters dictionary 2018)

A troll is a class of being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore. In Old Norse sources, beings described as trolls dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings. (What do trolls do?

Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

A troll or troller in internet slang is someone that starts arguments or upsets people by posting off-topic or extraneous messages in some type of online community. Their goal is to cause people to get emotional and to harass people online. The word trolling is a word commonly used to describe a method of fishing or misguidance is a way deemed fishing for information.(google search-,websters dictionary 2018)

Now i guess after that big spiel on the many definitions of trolling i guess it's time i added some personal thought to trolls. Do i like trolling you ask? NO

Am i here specifically to put them down and drag them out on line, i would like to say NO and that this article is not here to bag, slander, or to troll anyone or anything. This blog/article just purely i'm posting this blog so i can share some thoughts on what i like to call lonely people.

I believe that people who are trolls or internet bully's are very lonely people and part of their ability to deal with life's issues can be determined based on the facts that surround the reasons why people like that tend to lash out at others online when they disagree with someones lifestyle, dreams, or visions.

The point being is that personally I have nothing to say that is bad about a person as such- regardless of statue in society, now i would like to add that lashing back and saying something bad about trolls would then just fit me into the context of being the same stereotype and doing the samething as what they would have for-seen for me to do.

My Mumma always said to me as a child, That if i didn't have nothing nice to say, it was best to say nothing at all.

Wise words from a visionary of a women who never stood down in a good fight. I leave you today with the thoughts on this subject and ask you to take some time and think about an old Murphy's law Do Unto others as they do unto you.

Enjoy your days guys xxx DjCandyApple


  • What do trolls do? - Google Search. (2018). Retrieved 20 August 2018, from

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